Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Frosty pick-me up

I have been battling a nasty cold for days and I been yearning for something cold on my weary throat but nothing has sounded good. I wanted something healthy, nutritious and satisfying. For some reason I started thinking of those Orange Julius stands in the mall and I realized that is what I craved. Obviously I wasn't about to learn how to drive a stick and hit up the suburban mall so I whipped up one of my own and it isn't half bad (and pretty healthy too)! Here's my improv recipe:

1 cup orange juice (orange juice concentrate might be better but I didn't have any on hand)
2/3 cup soy milk
splash of vanilla extract
handful of ice cubes until slushy

Then whoop it up in yer blender.

Although the orange flavor could be more pronounced the soy milk makes for a creamy and sweet aftertaste. The one thing missing is a colorful straw (and my health).

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Monday, April 07, 2008

A cheers to luxury

Close your eyes and think of the most luxurious thing that could ever grace your Ikea dining room table that you purchased on Craigslist. If your brain is screaming SWAN ICE SCULPTURE then we think a lot alike my friend. A thousand thanks to Megan for fulfilling my dream of owning a reusable ice sculpture mold! It truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Just imagine the party possibilities?!

Michael and I enjoyed it's inaugural outing with pepper encrusted bison steaks and a large amount of wine. Nothing says pretentious Monday night dinner for two quite like a freshly molded ice swan (propped up on an ice tray for traction). Let's just say my parents are coming to town this weekend and we will be taking this baby out for another swim...


This is Madison. She is a Schnauzer. We take of her and her elderly mother Bailey (not pictured) when my boss goes on vacation. Bailey only eats microwaved turkey sandwiches and french toast.

Believe it or not.

It's the Bakke blog, back by popular demand (aka Emily Bauer)! Let's just face it folks, the back-bloggin' just isn't going to happen so let's start fresh with some spring lovelies (by the way, spring JUST started here this weekend and it is April 7). I can feel myself recovering as we speak from a seemingly never ending winter haze....