Sunday, January 28, 2007

Burn me a man, a bright shiny man.

Although I could post many a picture of ridiculous art cars, tremendous sculptures and a vast desert of madness, I will stick to pictures of the people that I came with, camped with and created with...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Weddings are fun, even when they happened 6 months ago

Bathed in taupe, Michael congratulates Joe on his vows...

Some fine looking young gentlemen....

Congressman Binkowski poses with a civilian...

Stillwater does Chicago....

The bride looks smashing in her post-wedding digs...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

San Fran take 2.

My cousin goes for father figure of the year status.

Gratuitous pics of his son Liam-

The slated Beast. The roots of kitty hatred run deep (please note satanic background hue).

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Makin' the best in SF

Lani, Topher and their unsuspecting and unwilling cat Beast graciously allowed me to live with them for 6 weeks this summer. After arriving, I promptly took over Beast's room, much to her dismay. Soon we became mortal enemies as head swatting, hissing and genuine dislike became the order of the day. Overall though, I think the people and animals of SF enjoyed me almost as much as I did them. Here are some pictures to prove it.

Lani and I revel in a sugar high at a Giants game

Everyone loves a Swedish mayonaise cake!

Especially when crafted by attractive Swedes...

In a similar thread of Europe meets San Franciso, there is nothing quite like hiking 2 miles to visit a Bavarian bar in the foothills.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Seattle, summer: part deux

So many pictures, not a lot of witty captions. They will just have to stand on their own...

This guy will lay you down.

Brynn excites in her deck dinner party.

Justin makes his own fireworks.

Seth sandwiched between the real Russians...

Roman candles in the city...

Summer in Seattle: Part 1

Oh sweet Seattle in the summer, how I longed for you and the people that reside in your city...

Everyone loves a startled/sexy Brynn and John-

Michael helps Didi improve her swing in a 7-11 parking lot-

Josh and his parents visiting from South Africa enjoy Didi and my rendition of "God bless America"


ps joy is hot