Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Makin' the best in SF

Lani, Topher and their unsuspecting and unwilling cat Beast graciously allowed me to live with them for 6 weeks this summer. After arriving, I promptly took over Beast's room, much to her dismay. Soon we became mortal enemies as head swatting, hissing and genuine dislike became the order of the day. Overall though, I think the people and animals of SF enjoyed me almost as much as I did them. Here are some pictures to prove it.

Lani and I revel in a sugar high at a Giants game

Everyone loves a Swedish mayonaise cake!

Especially when crafted by attractive Swedes...

In a similar thread of Europe meets San Franciso, there is nothing quite like hiking 2 miles to visit a Bavarian bar in the foothills.

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