Wednesday, April 04, 2007

NYC redux

Since Emily did such a fabu job blogging the majority of Zoe and my trip to NYC on her blog, I am going to provide some pics on one of my favorite things that we did-eat. So many tasty chomp times were had...
Before going to New York my brother sent me an article about a place that served Asian burritos. Randomly, the first place Emily insisted we go was one in the same, a small joint in the East Village called Momofuku. And holy momofuku, the "burritos" filled with marinated pork, kim chee, pickled mushrooms and other Asian delights were simply amazing.

Next stop, dumplings filled with soup. Before this trip, I didn't know soup dumplings existed. I do not know how I have peacefully existed for 28 years without the knowledge of these tender and delicate morsels. Although Emily has tasted these delights in the past, the excitement of bursting the dumpling membrane with a gentle nibble to find hot soup and meat lurking beneath still makes her giddy.

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