Saturday, May 03, 2008

Procrastination links

Below are a few fun links I have recently stumbled upon.

I really can't get enough of the website Etsy for all my handmade craft needs but it can sometimes be overwhelming to sort the good from the bad. Enter Heart Handmade, a blog that highlights some of the best crafters and their homemade wares every day. It is a great place to start a-looking at Etsy products and the person that writes this blog seems to have consistently good taste.

While searching for the perfect pair of cheap earrings on Etsy, have Muxtape running in the background. The website is a simple concept- people upload their favorite songs and create an online mixed tape for others to listen to. 'Tis fun to discover new songs and rediscover forgotten oldies, all mix-mashed together.

***There is a mix that is entitled "Kill Yourself"- Megan, did you find this website before I did?


lani Keller said...

I'm obsessed with Etsy. I have bought numerous presents for people. I will definitely check out the heart handmade. I also use Pandora in the background. If you don't know it...check it!

Marichelle said...

Thank you so much for mentioning Heart Handmade!